Informative Musings
An insightful blog that talks about the relationship
between design, marketing and business.
between design, marketing and business.
With the amount of resources today there’s the notion that one doesn’t need to pay the cost of professional services such as a web design or graphic design. Why pay someone else to do it for you when you can simply do it yourself? I believe that’s a valid question to ask yourself; with that being said you should consider the cons and pros of doing it yourself. I will get to that soon. Some of the things to consider with regard to doing anything yourself are specialization, time involved, the cost, education and image. ProsCutting Cost If you learn how to design a website yourself (that will include using templates). It will save you a lot of money that would have been spent hiring a professional to do it. As we can all agree, most of us want to cut cost and maximize profit. If we can’t cut the cost we want to divert it to something else in order to get the most out of our money. Learning a New Skill As people we want to expand our world view. Expanding that world view might include something like acquiring a new skill. The reason for this being that when you devote your time to adding a new skill set to your arsenal it gives you a sense of accomplishment; that pride of “look what I have been able to accomplish all on my own”. You feel more resourceful and independent. ConsImage
While it’s true that using a template website can help you cut the cost of hiring a web designer; it could come at the cost of having a poor image. This is especially true if you don’t have the deep technical and psychological understanding of design and the design process that most formally trained designers have. While you can pick up on how to set up your templates website by following instructions; not having a deep understanding that is acquired through years of study and practice can give your site an amateurish look. Some people are totally unaware of how font alignments, choice of colors, images used, image size and more can give their site an unprofessional look. The downside to having an unprofessional look is that for most people perception is everything. Sometimes, first impressions is all it takes to judge your business and lose a potential client. Time If you are running your own business by now you realize how time consuming it can be. When you decide to add more responsibilities to that by building your site yourself, updating it etc. That can take away from time you can spend with your loved ones and doing other things you enjoy. While you might save some money in the short term, in the overall scheme of things, time is the true currency in life which we can’t get back. I am sure there’s more that can be added to the list of cons and pros. However, in order not to have an overly lengthy reading I shortened it to the above list. At the end of the day it comes down to it being your decision as a business owner or organization leader, on what you feel works well for you. There is a lot design-wise that goes into creating a website or making a logo. When you hire a professional you are rest assured that they have spent years of training and practice specializing in their craft. If cost is really an issue for you then you should consider adding design costs to your current or future budget. However, if you would rather do it yourself via a template. Simply sign up with Weebly using this link to get started. If you don’t already have a website or logo for your business/organization or don’t have a modern and professional looking one, what is your excuse? What else can you add to this list of cons and pros? If you have any design needs ranging from print, website, electronic newsletter and even app design Uzo Design is here for you. Leave a Reply. |