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You are here to increase sales or conversion |
You get and increase sales by providing initial perceived value and actual value later. |
Solving a problem or creating a memorable experience gives you value. The impression that you will solve a problem gives you an initial perceived value.
Effective design helps you create both perceived and actual value. The aesthetic part of the design is just a physical reflection of this effectiveness.
The values which you provide gets you the sales. So, what's your reputation and customer satisfaction worth to you? |
Uzo designed a great new logo for my company. I didn't really know what I wanted and Uzo had the patience and vision to work with me and deliver something I was very happy with. Thank you Uzo! |
My experience with Uzo as my web designer was excellent, because he provided me with great customer service. I would totally recommend Uzo Design. |
Uzo is fast and amazing at what he does. I am so blessed to have his help with a nonprofit website and to have access to his creative vision. He continues to work with me to help improve the site and allows me to have the creative control that I desire, and together we're working towards making this website the best it can be. It's been an easy, smooth, and incredibly effective process thanks to Uzoma's talent and hard work |